
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

2014 World's Friendliest City

As I was driving to work this morning, my regular AM talkshow hosts (JJ, Mike and Dom from The Edge) were discussing a recent poll by Conde Nast Traveler which left Auckland as the world's 'friendliest city'. To help keep Auckland at the top of the polls, they sent one of their producers out into the city to hand out random compliments. She noted how great she felt after having made people's days with compliments.

Coincidentally, during our quarterly CEO presentation today they mentioned again how Auckland had been named the world's friendliest city. I guess it is a pretty big deal after all.

I think I'm going to take a cue from the JJ, Mike and Dom and pay more compliments this week and see what happens. Mind you, they have to be genuine! If you all give we all give it a go, maybe Auckland will have some competition for friendliest city next year.

Thanks for reading my blog.