
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fireworks on sale! Four days only!

November 5 is known as Guy Fawkes here in New Zealand (and the UK as well). You can get a brief rundown of Guy Fawkes history if you'd like, but no one here seems to be real clear on that matter. All they know, is that Guy Fawkes is a night to set off fireworks.

The funny thing is, fireworks are illegal in New Zealand every other day of the year, except for the 4 days leading up to Guy Fawkes. Now, having spent much of my life not too far from the Wisconsin (fireworks are legal)-Illinois (fireworks are banned) border, I'm used to seeing signs for fireworks sales pop up along the highway as you approach the legal zone. However, I am not used to this with respect to time. Seemingly overnight, signs, commercials, newspaper and radio ads, and even storefronts (or just open faced shipping containers) popped up advertising the plethora of fireworks on sale during this short time. Right along with them, were also ads, posters and warnings about safety and firework ban areas.

One such ban area is the street in front of our place, but that didn't seem to stop some folks from pulling over and giving us a private fireworks show as they set some off on the beachfront right outside our window. It was nice to be able to see them as well as hear them.

Happy Guy Fawkes!

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